
Suma Wellnessではクラニオセイクラルセラピーとスウェディッシュマッサージを提供しています。(担当:スティーブン)

  • クラニオセイクラルセラピー



Craniosacral therapy is a gentle form of bodywork that addresses the structures of the head, sacrum, and spinal column. The goal is to release tension and compression in those areas to alleviate pain and help to restore health.

Craniosacral therapy seeks to restore homeostasis, the natural ability of the body to heal. It can be used to decrease stress from chronic injuries as well as provide relief from acute symptoms.

  • スウェディッシュマッサージ


Receiving a Swedish massage, besides feeling good has many other benefits. Below are a few benefits of massage therapy.

• Improved tissue health
• Aids in the removal of toxins
• An increase in circulation
• Help reduce anxiety
• Helps regulate good sleep


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